Get to know me

Services and history

In about 1998, I was fortunate to discover the pioneering work of David John Oates in Reverse Speech and listen to his lecture in Nevada soon after I pursued it alto it wasn’t until he landed back to Australia after him leaving San Diego. I went through all the training to become. a practitioner and a trainer.

Our link and understanding with language, perception, and reality, much has been discovered and much has been avoided and suppressed. The imagery we use in language fashions or stylizes the unconscious habits that we use to make sense of the world. From my perspective Reverse Speech is a important and underrated tool that cracks open the veil to the unconscious mind, revealing the language of dream and metaphor, as well as the mundane desires and prejudices that we have allowed to influence our lives.

My Training includes

Reverse Speech Practitioner, Analyst, Trainer and Investigator, Body Talk Access Technician, Bodytalk- module 1,2,3,6, Reconnective Healing, Past Life Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Matrix Energetics-level 1,2, Graphic Artist, Artist

Frank Gomez